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What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the world warrior? How do you define a

I define a Woman Warrior as being a mother, wife, lover, friend, daughter. A Woman who has overcome many challenges in life. She fights for what she believes in. She is strength and courage. A Woman Warrior is not born, they are made, through trial and error, pain and suffering, and the ability to conquer their own faults. They keep fighting. I admit there are some days when I just want to lay down my sword and give in, but I keep fighting, because I made a promise to myself that I will never be defeated, and I will give all that I have. On those days, is when the belief in your self is the strongest, never give up hope, never give up on you.

A woman warrior is someone who defends core feminine values. She may stand up in defense of children's rights, lead humanitarian efforts, go on peace missions or stand as a protector of the environment. Whatever her role, she achieves greatness by standing her ground and pushing for change.

Women warriors possess as much strength, determination and fortitude as any man. They are willing to take up arms and fight for a cause with relentless perseverance. And, for the most part, we admire them when they do. But many women, because of their receptive and sensitive nature, find it difficult to put on a warrior attitude and fight for what they believe in. Despite the fact that there is a woman warrior inside the heart of every woman, many women fail to find her.

Women warriors possess a determined spirit, a "can do" attitude that drives their actions towards their goals. When faced with limitations, disappointment or opposition, a warrior woman only gets more determined to make what she envisions happen. She won't take "no" for an answer and will find a way barrel through obstacles until that "no" becomes a "yes".

A woman warrior knows her words are powerful and that her opinions count. She chooses her words wisely, explains her position well and considers the feelings of others when she speaks her mind. A woman warrior is not afraid to explain her position again and again until her audience understands that she won't go silent.

To be considered a woman warrior it may require you change your view of yourself. "Who are you? Get noticed, stand up for yourself, speak up every time you need to, and hold your head up proud.

Rising to action with strength, a woman warrior isn't afraid to do the work necessary to fulfill her dreams. She sees no task too hard or no mountain too high.

Never be afraid to feel the steam rise in your heart, because a woman warrior sees her anger as just the spark she needs to fight for change. Her anger is a friend she has learned to trust to nudge her out of complacency so that she can fight to make a difference in her world. She will dig up the truth about a situation and when she does, she is not afraid to expose it.

A warrior woman is powerful inside and out. She never doubts that fact. She knows that when the force of her will is aligned with her spiritual creative power she can say to the mountain, "move" and it will move. She is comforted knowing she is supported in her mission by guides from above. She is confident that she can draw on her power anytime she needs to because it is intrinsic to her nature.

Bravery is second nature to a woman warrior. In the face of danger, she only gets more courageous and confronts whatever or whoever threatens her well being or the well being of others.

When fear rears its ugly head, she ignores it and chooses a "fight" over "flight". She understands that her viewpoint shrinks or expands in proportion to her courage.

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