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Seven Colors of the Rainbow

Let us revisit the seven colors of the rainbow and what each one represents:

RED - This is the first color of the rainbow from top. Red signifies passion, vitality, enthusiasm and security. It is the light with the longest wavelength. ORANGE - This light or color is a combination of yellow and red. It is a dynamic color representing creativity, practicality, playfulness as well as equilibrium or control. YELLOW - This is the color of the sunshine itself. It represents clarity of thought, wisdom, orderliness and energy. GREEN - This is the middle color of the rainbow and denotes fertility, growth, balance, health and wealth. BLUE - This the fifth color of the rainbow which makes us think of the Unknown. The sky and the wide oceans are in this color and hence it has been associated with Spirituality and Divinity. INDIGO - It is believed that where Blue is calming, Indigo is sedating. Indigo is mystical as it bridges the Gap between Finite and Infinite. Indigo colored gem stones are often used for spiritual attainment, psychic abilities, self awareness and enhancement of Intuition. VIOLET - The last color of the rainbow is a mix of red and blue. It is considered the highest element of spirituality. It can ignite one’s imagination and be an inspiration to artists. Dark tones of violet are associated with sorrow. Deeper shades of violet or purple denote high spiritual mastery. Thus, the seven colors of the rainbow are not only a thing of great beauty but also have Biblical/philosophical significances, specific functions and purpose.

Noah teaches Mankind the Seven Basic rules to adhere to conforming to the Seven Colors of The Rainbow:

Thou shall not worship Idols Thou shall not Blaspheme Thou shall not murder Thou shall not have immoral relationships Thou shall not steal Thou shall Respect all Living Creatures Thou Shall Set up Courts of Law #Covenant #Noah #Promise

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